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Gruyere 1655

Gruyère is a well-known Swiss cheese. Jean Marie Dunand is a cheese-maker from the Canton of Fribourg boasting the production of a wonderfully delicious hard cheese called Gruyère 1655. Using the milks collected from the dairies located near the village of Gruyère, he is able to produce perhaps the world's best Swiss cheese with fruity and sweet notes. This very special artisan Gruyère cheese is aged for 15-17 months, during which it achieves a smooth texture with occasional protein crystals which provide a delicious crunch. This Gruyère has a wonderfully nutty and deep flavor due to the use of the cheese-maker's home-made rennet. Gruyère 1655 is an absolute must-try! Gruyère Cheese: Organoleptic Properties Aspect and texture: beautiful cream-colored paste with occasional eyes, the texture is dense and toothsome Taste: rich, nutty and complex, Gruyère's flavor is impossible to beat Gruyère Serving suggestions What do you use Gruyère cheese for? This cheese is so wonderful, it needs no adornment, however so-called "cooked curd" cheeses like this one are wonderful melters. Try Gruyère in your favorite sandwich, mac n' cheese recipes or in fondue! Gruyère Ingredients Raw cow's milk, salt, traditional rennet, cultures Gruyere Recipes and more Italian Cheese Bread Traveling to Gruyeres: a Flavor Journey Discover more semi-soft cheeses to buy on Sensibus!
Price: 17.49
