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Westcombe Cheddar

Westcombe Dairy is a farm situated in the lush and damp hills of Somerset, England that has been making cheese since the early 1900's. Their masterpiece is a Cheddar, the most traditional English cheese. The cheese-making process starts when the raw milk is still warm. The cheese is cheddared the same day by hand and then aged for a period of 11 to 18 months. This hard cheese has citrus, hazelnut and caramel hints and it is so delicious that it is also known as Five Mile Cheddar, as you’re still tasting it five miles down the road. Organoleptic properties Aspect and texture: Light yellow paste, hard and slightly crumbly. Taste: Complex cheddar flavor with nutty and caramel notes. Serving suggestions Served with a strong ale, cider or an oaked chardonnay. Ingredients Raw cow's milk, culture, traditional rennet, salt.
Price: 14.49
