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Pecorino Piacentinu Allo Zafferano

Like all pecorino cheese, Pecorino Piacentinu allo Zafferano is made from sheep's milk. The sheep used for this version eat mainly vetch, a leguminous plant which contributes to the particular flavor of this excellent Italian cheese. Moreover, what makes this hard cheese special is the addition of wild saffron and black peppercorns to the curd, which give it a spectacular color and flavor. There are several theories about the meaning of the name of this pecorino: some say it means "cheese that pleases", while according to others it would mean "cheese that weeps" due to drops of oil sometimes condense on the wheels of cheese. Still others say that Piacentino is a term referring to those cheeses ‘to be ripened’, for example the Italian Grana. In fact ‘Piacentino’ was the name used traditionally to refer to Grana cheeses. Organoleptic properties Aspect and texture: compact, very intense yellow paste and rind from the saffron; whole black peppercorns decorate the paste. More or less hard according to the length of ripening. Taste: intense with notes of sheep’s milk, saffron and pepper Serving suggestions White or young red wines. Hot pear and quince chutney. Fresh beans and peas. Pasta without tomato sauces, French loaves. Ingredients Pasteurized sheep's milk, salt, traditional rennet, black peppercorns, saffron, cultures
Price: 16.99
