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Pandoro Classic

Together with the Panettone bread, Pandoro is another Italian Christmas dessert traditionally served during Christmas. Originating in the city of Verona, this soft, sweet yeast cake, has become a symbol of Italian traditional bakery in the world, finding a place of honor on the holiday table. While there are many legends about pandoro’s history, it is believed that the modern Italian Pandoro cake is an evolution of the Nadalin, a 13th century Veronese cake. Both the name of the cake, as well as some of its unique qualities date back to the Venetian Republic when sweet cakes were only available to the wealthy nobility. Some speculate that cakes were covered in gold leaf for a literal translation of “pan de oro.” Regardless of the true origins, October 14th, 1884 marks the official birth of Pandoro bakery as, on this day Domenico Melegatti submitted his version of the conical, star-shaped cake at the patent office. Since then, pandoro has become a classic. Coated with a generous dusting of powdered sugar, it is a beloved part of the holiday celebrations.
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